Cookie Notice

  • Explore Goucher
  • Who We Are
  • Community Principles
  • Community Principles

    Who We Are

    Goucher College is a community of individuals who value learning, self-expression, and diversity. We, the students, staff, and faculty of the Goucher community, support one another even as we recognize our differences. Each community member contributes to and, in turn, is enriched by

    Our Commitments to One Another

    While working, studying and traveling on behalf of Goucher, we recognize that we represent the Goucher community, and we will conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects the following commitments, which we call our Community Principles:

    Who We Are Becoming

    As members of a dynamic community that is constantly in transition and continuously seeking improvement, we strive to live out the commitments that make us a community and to foster the potential we see in each other.